There are substantial differences when operating with LDI (or DI) Loader in manual or in automatic mode. Choosing to operate with Technosystem charger will improve the productivity of the LDI in terms of labor saving and yields.
When working in manual mode, the operator needs to be in front of the machine for the production to go on. This means that any time this person leaves the machine, the production stops.
A standard 8-hour shift includes breaks which are regulated by the labor convention, plus the personal breaks that every operator eventually takes any now and then.
As a result, the actual productivity of an operator working a shift of 8 hours, is only 6 hours and out of this the LDI or DI exposure is only exposing 5h maximum.
When working in automatic operation, instead, the operator only needs to set the batch, once this is complete, they remove the panels and set another batch. Meanwhile, the operator can dedicate time to other tasks. Batches can be generated off line avoiding
downtime in between batch changes.
In terms of time optimization, this leads to an operation labor of 3 hours (out of 8 hours shift), and a productivity of 7 hours.
Operator labor time: MANUAL 8h - AUTOMATIC 3h
Print production time: MANUAL 5h - AUTOMATIC 7h
In percentage terms, choosing a charger for your LDI, will lead to:
Working with Technosystem charger LDI Loader automatic mode gives excellent results in terms of yields. This is due to the following reasons:
In percentage terms, the automation mode leads to a yield improvement of 2%.
Yield improvement – manual to automatic = 2% increase
Operating with Technosystem charger LDI Loader in automatic mode gives the following advantages: