Technosystem Loader/Unloader LDI V3 Process & Program Set-up

In this article we present a detailed description of the Technosystem Loader/Unloader LDI V3 Program set-up.

Follow all the steps for a correct function of your Technosystem machine and discover the benefits of operating in automatic mode.

TECHNOSYSTEM LOADER / UNLOADER LDI V3 is especially designed to serve the Direct Imagine exposures with the following basic criteria:

  • Increase nº of exposures per hour.
  • Reduce to ¼ the operator time (A single operator can take care of several DI).
  • Reduce the time of Job exchange to zero.
  • Generate the Batch list with many jobs offline.
  • Exchange of L racks or Slotted racks automatically without the need for the operator to minimize the batch change to less than 1 minute.
  • Loader concept design focused on Small / medium / high volume shops with high job mix (small or prototype series).
  • Operate with Dry Film panels (on L racks) or Solder mask panels (on Slotted Racks) on the same loader and swapping from solder mask panels to dry film panels without the need for operator intervention.


What follows is a detailed description of the Technosystem Loader/Unloader LDI V-III program set-up with all the step to follow for the correct functionality.

1. All jobs edited by the CAM department will be automatically listed in a CSV file

The CSV file will have the following information :

  • Job Reference
  • Job Layer 
  • Size of the panel X
  • Size of the panel Y
  •  Thickness 
  • Nº of panels to be exposed

2. The CSV file will be dragged by the TECHNOSYSTEM LDI V-III LOADER/UNLOADER and shown in the touch screen.

3. Operator starts the Batch List preparation as follows:

  • Select to use an L Rack or a Slotted rack.
  • Select the Job to be exposed as Job nº1 in the 1st Batch list. 

*Operator will be able to change the nº of panels to be exposed.

By selecting the job the operator will know if the file is already ripped in the DI. 

What follow is a legend of the colors and their meaning

  • Jobs listed in Green: Job is already ripped
  • Job listed in Orange: Job being ripped but not finished
  • Jobs listed in Read: Job pending to be ripped and on the cue of the DI front end.
  • Select one job after the other and insert a Plastic interleave.

*Operator can load in the batch list as many jobs as he desires (no limit)

  • End the Batch List and validate. 

The first L rack is now ready with the first Batch List.

4. Operator starts the program as follows:

  • The operator can now click start and L rack will enter the automation mode and start the loading/ unloading of the DI.  

The Protocol developed by Techno System will take care of all the signals in between both machines. This way the Loader will be the master and the DI will be the slave.

  • While the Automation is loading the first batch the operator can prepare the second batch and generate a batch queue. This means that when batch nº1 is finished, Batch nº2 located in a second L rack will then enter the automation to be loaded.

5. The L racks or Slotted racks with the batches are laid on a conveyor ready to be loaded.

6. The automation will automatically remove the exposed batch (1st L Rack)  and load the 2nd L rack with the following batch list.

7. If the DI fails to align a panel (side A or Side B) the automation will continue exposing, and the none exposed panel will be shifted 1 inch to the side. By doing this the operator can easily detect the non-exposed panel.
